HORIZONTAL CUKVES 41 In this example C = OB; C is the length of the axis of the particular lemniscate. If the theodolite is set up at point 0 the various polar ray lengths for different angles will give the points on the curve between 0 and C: this procedure is repeated at D and curve DO defined from the same dimensions. For large curves with polar rays of 200 ft. or more, tacheometry may be employed with advantage; alternatively, the curve may be set out by offsets from the tangents. FIQ. 22. — BERNOULLI'S LEMNISCATE FOB ROAD CURVES. SELECTION OF TRANSITIONS The question of the selection of a spiral or lemniscate transition curve has been dealt with in some detail in publications by Prof. Boyal-Dawson and Sir. H. CriswelL As previously mentioned, there is little difference between the two curves> especially within a limited range of deflections, and, like Prof. Royal-Dawson, the Author prefers the lemniscate, which he has employed with advantage on several occasions ; also for the simple parabolic curve, small deflections are similar to the other two, The " Unit Chord " and " Speed Chord " System, A brief description of this method of setting out the lemniscate curve, devised by Prof, Eoyal Dawson, is of interest. He takes a Unit of Measurement as the Polar Bay whose deflection is sixteen minutes,